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Sustainable Development and Environmental Management

Grades types : bachelor

BBA in Sustainability Management

The three years Bachelor of Business Administration program offers a theoretical and practical degree that addresses challenges in sustainability that leaders face in global business. This program ensures that sustainability is incorporated strategically in all aspects of every business's operations to provide the competitive edge required in todays complex business environment.

During the programs, students' knowledge and competencies are developed through exposure to real business operations and engagement in company projects in order to develop a practical approach to integrate sustainability into businessSUMAS students have worked with a range of companies in different sectorssuch as Oko Forests and the African Wildlife Foundation.

These are all unique opportunities for students to network with some of the most relevant multinational companies.
​Find the program's brochure here.

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BBA in Sustainable Tourism and Nature Conservation

The three years Bachelor of Business Administration program offers a theoretical and practical degree that addresses challenges in sustainability that leaders face in global business. This program ensures that sustainability is incorporated strategically in all aspects of every business's operations to provide the competitive edge required in todays complex business environment.

During the programs, students' knowledge and competencies are developed through exposure to real business operations and engagement in company projects in order to develop a practical approach to integrate sustainability into businessSUMAS students have worked with a range of companies in different sectorssuch as Oko Forests and the African Wildlife Foundation.

These are all unique opportunities for students to network with some of the most relevant multinational companies.
​Find the program's brochure here.

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